Tips oss om nye ladepunkter for elbiler

Smedvigkvartalet har ikke bilde av ladestasjonen.
Adresse: Løkkeveien 111, 4007 Stavanger
Kommune: 1103 Stavanger
Fylke: Rogaland
Posisjon (lat, lng): (58.97371,5.72233)
Google Maps kjørerute: Google Maps kjørerute
Google street View: Street View
Eid av: Charge365
Kontaktinfo: Tel: +47 930 95 365 Epost:
Ladepunkter: 25
Kommentar: Betal ved å: - Koble seg på og betale med SMS - Laste ned app (charge365) og betale med kort. - Lage seg bruker på charge365 og bestille brikke. Se mer informasjon her:  
Opprettet: 2021-09-28 15:07:29
Oppdatert: 2021-09-28 15:07:29


Open 24h: Yes
Real-time information: No
Public funding: None
Parking fee: No
Time limit: No
Location: Street
Availability: Public


Kontakt nr 1

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 2

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 3

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 4

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 5

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 6

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 7

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 8

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 9

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 10

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 11

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 12

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 13

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 14

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 15

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 16

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 17

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 18

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 19

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 20

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 21

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 22

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 23

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 24

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity

Kontakt nr 25

Accessibility: Payment
Connector: Type 2
Charging capacity: 22 kW - 400V 3-phase max 32A
Vehicle type: Rechargeable cars and vans
Reservable: No
Payment method: Cellular phone and Charging card
Charge mode: Mode 3
Fixed cable: No
Energy carrier: Electricity